100 Days of Code - Log Round 3
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Day 1: 31.10.2018
Progress: Almost finished off the remaining Intermediate Algos on FCC
I find some of these intermediate algos are significantly harder then the others. Stuck again tonight trying to do something that should probably be simple, looping over a variable amount of nested arrays and return the elements inside them.
Day 2: 01/11/2018
Progress: Got cracking on Week 2 6.002x exercises
Probabilities galore so far this week. Finding some questions quite tricky where they are asking for the smallest fraction calculations on some larger numbers. Hope to have week 2 finished nice and quickly so I can get back to FCC and cs50
Day 3: 02/11/2018
Progress: Finished the week 2 exercises and got started on the psets
The rest of the exercises for week 2 were pretty straight forward. It was more focused on working out probability then it was writing code though!
Day 4: 03/11/2018
Progress: Spent most of the day fixing a computer instead of coding grrrr
My mate’s pc wasn’t working so I spent the day playing around with hardware and getting the right OS installed on his new SSD. Turned out he installed a 32 bit Windows which meant even after I upgraded it, it was still unable to run most of his games which required a 64 bit OS. After about 5 hours we got there in the end!
Day 5: 04/11/2018
Progress: Having fun working through pset2 for MIT 6.00.2x
Felt a little bit lost when first attempting to solve the first question of pset2. Once I realised I had to implement a data structure to store the cleaned/not cleaned states of tiles in the room it was pretty easy after that point. Everything in this course is OOP which I am enjoying get the opportunity to practice more.
Day 6: 05/11/2018
Progress: Having fun working through pset2 for MIT 6.00.2x cont…
Managed to finish Questions 2 & 3 of pset2 tonight. I am enjoying this pset is it a good level of challenge to better my understanding of OOP. The functions and classes themselves are relatively straight forward but i’m finding it still to be a good challenge as I become more familiar with the syntax.
Day 7: 06/11/2018
Progress: Finished pset2 for 6.00.2x!
Finished off the rest of pset2 without too much issues tonight. It was very interesting to run some of the simulations to see what effect changes in different variables had on the timesteps.I did not expect the results from the aspect ratio plot. Also now only have 1 javascript project left before I get my first FCC cert!
Day 8: 07/11/2018
Progress: Got my first FCC Certificate FINALLY!!
Well i’m very happy tonight that I managed to knock out the cash register problem in about 3-4 hours and claimed my first certificate with Freecodecamp! Happy to finally have at least one of the certificates under my belt after numerous detours to other courses over the past 12 months.
- Javascript Algorithms & Data Structures Certificate
Day 9: 08/11/2018
Progress: Hardware day!
Been watching a lot of PC builds over the past week which has motivated me to pull mine apart, give it a clean and try and fix up all my messy cable management. Pretty pleased with the outcome and i’m kinda glad I did it as the radiator was caked in dust.
Day 10: 09/11/2018
Progress:Learning how to Learn with Coursera
OK so not really coding today because I wanted to address my learning in general with the hopes it will make my learning to code more effective and help me with some procrastination issues I’ve been struggling with lately. So far the Coursera course it very interesting with lots of resources but nothing too ground breaking yet that is giving me an ah-hah moment.
Day 11: 10/11/2018
Progress:Learning how to Learn with Coursera and FCC Meetup
Hosted the monthly Freecodecamp meetup today and spent a couple of hours talking code which is always enjoyable. For the rest of the day I tried to complete the entire learning to learn course in the day but I think i’ll not get the final assignment done tonight, hopefully tomorrow. It’s pretty funny though as I’m probably going against some of the teachings in the course by trying to do it all in a day as it has been proven to be less effective then steady repeitition over time to let the ideas form chunks haha.
Day 12: 11/11/2018
Progress: Finished Learning how to learn and implemented the first function in pset8 CS50
I was a bit dissappointed with where I finished in Learning how to learn. Nothing too ground breaking really. I was hoping for some kind of ah-hah moment that would cure my procrastination that didn’t eventuate! Got back to pset8 today for cs50 and after much failure trying to get the google news rss working for my aussie zip code it just wouldn’t work so I went back to using US ones to get the job done. managed to implement the /articles logic and tomorrow I should have /search done.
Day 13: 12/11/2018
Progress: Busy night so just a bit of revision
Not enough time tonight to get stuck back into pset8 so just did some revision in preparation for the next FCC certificate.
Day 14: 13/11/2018
Progress: Did some more FCC and attended a local Big Data Event
Went into the city to see some local experts talk about Big data and what’s going in the local scene. It was pretty interesting but nothing too ground breaking I hadn’t already read about on Medium tbh. Up to new stuff again in FCC which is fun but I really need to get back to CS50!
Day 15: 14/11/2018
Progress: Moved onto the React section of FCC
I knew this day would come eventually but today I ventured into the rabbit hole they call React. I have a feeling this is something that will take some time to master and I purposely havne’t rushed into a JS framework as I wanted to get more familiar with Vanilla JS and programming in general first. I’m now up to this section in FCC so I guess I might as well get my feet wet.
Day 16: 15/11/2018
Progress: Continued with the React section of FCC
Cruising through the React section but have hit a few more challenging ones just as I write this. I am comfortable though that it is just a syntax problem that will get better with practice. Hoping to have all the core React component before I go to sleep.
Day 17: 16/11/2018
Progress: Continued with the React section of FCC and got stuck into week 3 6.00.2x MIT
Still continuing on with the React exercises and also spent some time getting a start on week 3 for MIT 6.00.2x. This weeks exercises and psets for the MIT course look really interesting and i’m hoping to have it all completed before the end of the weekend. Looks like cs50 got shafted again!
Day 18: 17/11/2018
Progress: Finished the React section and kept going with MIT 6.00.2x
Nothing interesting to report just another groundhog day at the moment. Looking forward to the week 3 psets in 6.00.2x
Day 19: 18/11/2018
Progress: Pretty Lazy today
More work on FCC and week 3 MIT, plus I watched a youtube vid posted by FCC on fundamentals of machine learning
Day 20: 19/11/2018
Progress: Worked on MIT 6.00.2x
A little bit confused today with CLT. Going to have to do this carefully so I understand what’s going on here. Pretty new to all of this statistics stuff. Hope to be onto the psets tomorrow night
Day 21: 20/11/2018
Progress: Worked on MIT 6.00.2x again
Revisited CLT from last night to get a better understanding of it and then moved onto the rest of the monte carlo videos and exercises. Finished the night have to implement a simple simulation function which had to calculate the probability of pulling the same coloured ball out of a bucket of six balls, 3 red and 3 green, over X number of trials. I do enjoy these simulation functions and I managed to get the function working without too much issue.
Day 22: 21/11/2018
Progress: Worked on MIT 6.00.2x again
Finished the weekly exercises and videos as well as part a of the psets. Can hopefully finish the psets by Friday night. The 3rd and 4th probability questions in part a were difficult, I guess I still have a fair bit to learn when it comes to probability calculations.
Day 23: 22/11/2018
Progress: Worked on MIT 6.00.2x again
After trying my best with no luck I raised a question on stack overflow for my probability question confusion and within a matter of minutes the reasoning behind the calculation was given back to me. I then used the logic to solve the final one and I think I’m relatively happy with my understanding now. Worked tonight on PartB and after a bit of trial and error managed to finish Q1 of 5
Day 24: 23/11/2018
Progress: Worked on MIT 6.00.2x again
Managed to finish Part B question 2 tonight. All I had to do was implement one function which ran a simulation which took a variable number of viruses and then ran trials on a patient a variable number of times. It took the average of the results from all 300 steps of each trial and then plotted the virus growth rate using pylab. It took a bit of time to figure out how to best store all the results and then calcualate the mean of each step from every trial but I got there after a couple of hours. Got to spend more time using list comprehensions which was good.
Day 25: 24/11/2018
Progress: Worked on MIT 6.00.2x again
Almost finished Q3 of PartB. Did not get as much time as I would have liked to today but confident I can get all questions of pset3 finished as well as the mid term exam.
Day 26: 25/11/2018
Progress: Worked on MIT 6.00.2x again
A long day coding but I managed to finish the weekend having completed all my goals. All week 3 psets submitted as well as the mid term exam. Also receieved my completion certificate already, before even completing the final pset of final exam. The pass rate is too low in my opinion as it really removes the feeling of accomplishment. It should be all psets and exams submitted with a minimum x% pass rate in the final exam and total mark above x% or something, like a normal university unit.
Day 27: 26/11/2018
Progress: Worked on MIT 6.00.2x again
Since i’m now in front again on my coursework I took tonight to catch up on my reading and revise some of the things I have learned over the past few weeks.
Day 28: 27/11/2018
Progress: Worked on MIT 6.00.2x again
More reading the text book and working through examples
Day 29: 28/11/2018
Progress: Worked on MIT 6.00.2x again
More reading the text book and working through examples
Day 30: 29/11/2018
Progress: Worked on MIT 6.00.2x again
Started on week 4’s videos and exercises and have to say so far it has gone totally over my head. I’m hoping the psets and some additional reading of the text book and examples help with my understanding better over the next few days
Day 31: 30/11/2018
Progress: Worked on MIT 6.00.2x again
Just the bare minimum reading today as it was a long day working followed up with a 3000km flight back home. Will catch up and try and smash out pset 4 tomorrow.
Day 32: 01/12/2018
Progress: Worked on MIT 6.00.2x again
Revised the first part of week four and I think I have a better understanding of the underlying concepts now. I also finished off the rest of the exercises and videos and looking to have all the psets completed tomorrow.
Day 33: 02/12/2018
Progress: Worked on MIT 6.00.2x again
Ended up binge watching Wentworth all day and didn’t end up even attempting pset4. Did manage to fit in an hour or so reading a couple of the last chapters of the text book though. By the end of next week I am aiming to have all the text book finished as well as all of the psets
Day 34: 04/12/2018
Progress: Worked on MIT 6.00.2x again
Just one chapter left on Machine learning then the text book is complete. Will get it finished tomorrow night and then get the final psets finished on Wednesday/Thursday.
Day 35: 05/12/2018
Progress: Worked on MIT 6.00.2x again
Finished the final chapter in the textbook for MIT 6.00.2x although it practically went completely over my head. The chapter was on machine learning and I think it’s just one of those things that will take some practice to get a better visual in my mind about how the core functions and math are working
Day 36: 06/12/2018
Progress: Worked on MIT 6.00.2x again
Week 5 was released tonight so I went through and completed all videos and exercises. The final exam is next week and I should have pset 4 submitted before the end of the week. It’s been a pretty interesting subject and I think I will delve deeper into statistics and machine learning in the future.
Day 37: 07/12/2018
Progress: Worked on MIT 6.00.2x again
Started writing out the machine learning code example from the text book and using youtube videos to get a better understanding of the Minkowski distance measure. Hoping to work through the entire example and have a good understanding of the problem and functions by the end of it
Day 38: 08/12/2018
Progress: Worked on MIT 6.00.2x again
Continued my machine learning project using my family as test objects haha. it’s pretty fun
Day 39: 08/12/2018
Progress: Worked on MIT 6.00.2x again
Nursing a fairly significant hangover today after attending my xmas work function yesterday. Continued on with building out more of my ML code. Today I create a two objects and underlying methods which will be used to represent clusters in an unsupervised approach. Need to get pset4 done before the deadline though so I better get that sorted tomorrow.
Day 40: 09/12/2018
Progress: Worked on MIT 6.00.2x again
Crap day of code, crap weekend really. Too many distractions and a work xmas party to do for the kids. Managed to work through some of the clustering code and computations this afternoon which gave me a better understanding of computing centroids in data clusters. No pset 4 even attempted yet which I really have to tackle before its due on Thursday.
Day 41: 10/12/2018
Progress: Worked on MIT 6.00.2x again
Did not have much time today as I spent most of the day travelling to Brisbane. Read through the starter code for pset4 and worked through some examples for the helper code to get an understanding of what it was doing
Day 42: 11/12/2018
Progress: Worked on MIT 6.00.2x again
Missed a couple of days whilst interstate on a conference but got back into it tonight, finishing the final pset for 6.00.2x. I only have the final exam left to complete now this weekend and then hopefully I can get cs50 finished before the end of the year whilst I am on leave.
Day 43: 18/12/2018
Progress: Finished 6.00.2x final exam….poorly
Going into the exam with very little revision and a drop in my coding I performed quite poorly. It appears I’m still struggling quite a bit on a lot of the statistics concepts and fundamentals which is a little bit disheartening. I guess i’ll just have to keep practicing over time in future courses.