100 Days of Code - Extras
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- Extras
As I continue to progress through the 100DaysofCode Challenge and immerse myself in the community on Twitter, Freecodecamp and Medium I try and adapt my learning journey with the aim to ensure I am achieving the best results I can for the time that is being invested.
My Processes to Date
As I write this new Extras section to my challenge on Day 19 I can confirm I have adhered to the following rules:
- Coded for at least an hour a day
- Tweeted my progress every day and reached out to at least two other people on Twitter
- Updated my log everyday and pushed it to my repo
- Pushed my projects and work to Github and provided links to the work or videos of my projects in my daily log where possible
- Uploaded front end projects to my Codepen account
- Provided links to my Github, Linkedin & Codepen account on my Twitter profile
- Used GH Pages Templates to show off my main repo a little bit more aesthetically
- Chose to clone the main 100DaysofCode Repo rather then fork it as this allowed my commits to be eligible for inclusion in my contributions graph
Departure from the Original 100DaysofCode Challenge and my Reason Why
I have not been working on real projects
I spend my time primarily working through Udemy Courses, MOOC’s and Freecodecamp exercises. All three platforms provide opportunities with varying levels of difficulty to produce something entirely on your own and right now I feel like this is a good fit for where I am at.
I whole heartedly agree that at some point in the not too distant future it will be time to build my own project and I will learn a hell of a lot and it will be painful, but I see no need to put myself under so much pressure right now when I am in no rush to get a developer job.
I currently juggle a full time 50+ hour a week management job, have a wife, 2 kids, mortgage and a pretty heavy training regime and I see no need to put further pressure on myself as this tends to throw out the balance in other aspects of my life which leads to negative consequences such as burn out and lack of motivation.
Now for the Extras!
After reading the below article this morning I was inspired to create this Extras section and further publicly commit myself to this personal challenge.
Adnan’s main points were:
- Contribute to Open Source
- Showcase your Open Source contributions
- Teach others
- Talk at events
- Document everything
- Be honest with yourself, you must have a want to do it and be 100% invested in acheiving the goals you set for yourself
Below I have listed how I plan on comitting to the Extras criteria:
- Contributing to Open Source - I plan on allocating time each week to contributing to Freecodecamp which will make up some of my daily hours committment as part of this challenge. I believe Freecodecamp is the best learning platform on the web, and I have been a donator to the organisation for about a year now. I have detoured from their curriculum for some time but plan on going back and completing it in the not too distant future. I can think of no better place to start contrbuting to Open Source then doing my bit to assist their team in any small way possible. I encourage anybody who can spare a few dollars a month to GIVE to such a good cause.
- Showcase your Open Source Contributioons - Aside from the daily tweets and other items mentioned above I have decided to follow Adnan’s advice and set up the following links on my readme page:
I would really like to style my own personal portfolio page better on Github but what I have done so far will have to do for now. For some reason Sourcerer isn’t picking up my commits to this repo but i’ll just have to keep making commits and hopefully one day my pages look as robust as Adnan’s!
To further allow me show case my work, help others and meet new people I have set up:
- Teach others - To meet this I plan on using my Youtube Channel and Medium Blog to share my journey and do some simple tutorials on things where I struggled that may help other code newbie’s. My local Perth Freecodecamp group looks pretty dead at the moment and since I now have a laptop I plan on trying to revive that and having some meetups as well as setting up a local CoderDojo for kids and others in my local community as there is not much on offer. This should help me reinforce what i’m learning as well as meet like minded people and help others.
- Talk at events - For now i’m going to cover this by setting/attending local meetups and CoderDojo events
- Document everything - I plan to continue to update my daily log and post all my successes and failures
- As they say “the proof is in the pudding” and the only way to proove that I am committed is to stick at this for at least 100 continous days.
I’m very excited to see what I can achieve in 100 days. In 19 days I have already:
- Completed a hell of a lot of code alongs and exercises
- Learned proficiency with Markdown syntax
- Became somewhat comfortable with Cloud 9 and Sublime Text 3 including some of the main keyboard shortcuts
- Materially improved my proficiency with the command line
- Feel comfortable setting up a new repo on Github and using Git in Cloud 9 to Git pull, push, add ., commit -m “”, status
- Have learned how to add an aesthetic UI to my Main GitHub Repo and a PaperJS Project (press any alpha key, make cool music, its addictive!)
- Had a codepen submission chosen as a Picked Pen which currently has over 4,000 views and 80+ hearts
- Made over 100 tweets connecting with the 100DaysofCode community, followed over ~150 current and aspiring developers and had 60+ users start following me
- Built a RESTful simple blog app as part of a code along which really helped me become more familiar with MongoDB, Node and NPM. Still far from proficiency here but learning a lot!