100 Days of Code - Log Round 2
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Day 1: 19.07.2018
Progress: Started work on Pset 4 Whodunit for CS50
Went out for dinner and a bit of fun at the casino tonight so it’s a very late night boozy 1hr of coding. Really want to get pset4 & 5 done over the next 5 days before I got on holiday so I can get onto python which I think is going to be a much more practical language to learn that is relevant to current business.
Day 2: 20.07.2018
Progress: Continued with Whodunit for CS50
Trying to get my head around the header info files in Whodunit. Struggling a bit with understanding the numbers as nothing seems to line up. I’m sure it will click over the weekend though.
Day 3: 21.07.2018
Progress: Completed Whodunit but I still need to submit in the morning
Once i’d wrapped my head around it properly it was just a few lines of code to deal with. Will submit in the morning once I get some feedback off Discord on what I actually need to submit.
Day 4: 22.07.2018
Progress: Pushed on with pset4 second question resize.c
I have made a few setup changes to the code and reviewed the course material. Have a decent idea what needs to be done but i’m falling to sleep at my desk to think i’m going to call it a night.
Day 5: 23.07.2018
Progress: Wasn’t able to get much screen time in today so just ended up watching the week 5 lecture
Hopefully get more time at the computer tomorrow to get back onto pset4 and hopefully get it finished. Really looking forward to having pset4 & pset5 completed so I can get onto the second half of the course which focuses more on practical web dev projects with html, css, python and databases.
Day 6: 24.07.2018
Progress: Another day preoccupied with getting my new meap prep and training routine sorted so just watched the week 4 shorts
Not much to report. Spent about 1.5 hours just watching the week 4 shorts in CS50. I would really like to get to a point where I can comfortably implement data structures and understand which structure would be most suitable for a given situation.
Day 7: 25.07.2018
Progress: Big big day…..of playing Fary Cry 5!
Stuck in holiday mode and want to complete Far Cry 5. Got in a late hour trying to do resize.c though for pset4. Fly out to Bali for a week tomorrow so won’t be doing much coding probably. But I will take my laptop and at least aim to get an hour of reading in each day on something code related. Probably a JS book to help further my knowledge of the new ES6 stuff and functional programming.
Day 8: 26.07.2018
Progress: Fly out to Bali on Holiday….
Coding time is probably going to be kept at a bare minimum as I can barely get internet in my room unless I hang out on the balcony. Downloaded some books to my kindle and started reading a functional programming with Javascript book on the plane ride over. Hoping to fill my hour a day whilst here reading the book and getting a better handle on functional programming. The more a learn about it the more I see it as a must have for building modular concise code.
Day 9: 27.07.2018
Progress: Climbed a mountain today and read an hour worth of functional programming with Javascript
Amazing day trekking to the top of Mount Batur in Bali, the view was incredible. So tired when I came back I tried to read my book and started to fall asleep after 6 minutes. Decided to take a power nap and try again later in the evening which worked a treat! I really want to figure out this functional prorgramming way of problem solving and understand it will definetely take some time and practice.
Day 10: 28.07.2018
Progress: The holiday continues…very busy day doing activities, nearly failed but our friends cancelled a night out so here I am getting in my hour!
It must be destiny that I am making this entry before the deadline. Spending the late hours of today in my bed getting an hour of reading time into this functional programming with Javascript book. Going to make sure I work with some of the exercises and code examples in VS Code with the debugger to help with my understanding of how the code executes when using recursive return statements.
Day 11: 29.07.2018
Progress: The holiday continues…Starting to get stuck on the functional programming book
This book is starting to go over my head as he is bringing in FP libraries like Lodash which I know nothing about and then using methods both from libraries and native to JS that I am not familiar with. If I am going to learn from this book i’m going to have to take a step back again and start working through the code examples and documentation.
Day 12: 30.07.2018
Progress: The holiday continues…Nursing a pretty severe hangover but did some work on resize.c
Should have used my time more productively today. Did a very small amount of work on resize.c probably not enough to say I got a full hour but I am on holiday and I know I’ll make up the time shortfall in other days. I definetely have a lot of extra already banked from the previously 111 days!
Day 13: 31.07.2018
Progress: The holiday continues…Progressed a little bit further in resize.c
Just about have the code sorted out to update the header and info part of the problem. Hopefully tomorrow I can finish off the pixel and padding part and get it submitted.
Day 14: 01.08.2018
Progress: The holiday continues…Finished and submitted resize.c for CS50
Managed to get around to a bit of CS50 and got the resize.c problem finalised and submitted, yay!
Day 15: 02.08.2018
Progress: Flew home today
Actually submitted resize.c after some technical issues and read a few chapters of Professional Javascript for Web Developers 3rd Edition on the Plane. Seems a bit out of date but i’m sure there is still plenty in there that I can learn.
Day 16: 03.08.2018
Progress: Started on recover.c
Built the basic setup for recover.c so that it passes the initial checks with check50. Now I just need to do the hard part and build out the guts of of the program!
Day 17: 04.08.2018
Progress: Started too late so watched week 5 & 6 lectures
Want to devote a good chunk of time tomorrow to finishing pset4. Going to watch the pset free week 5 and 6 lectures tonight just because I am hanging out to get back on some web dev stuff and away from pointers and C!
Day 18: 05.08.2018
Progress: Another fail day of not doing any coding on pset4!
Fell asleep last night so finished off the two lectures for week 6. Its good to see a bit of python again. Goal for this next week is finish pset4 & 5! It must be done!
Day 19: 06.08.2018
Progress: Did some work on Advanced Developer Bootcamp on Udemy
Did not get to sit down at the computer until 10:30pm so just fit in a tired hour working on some ES6 stuff as part of Colt Steeles - Advanced Web Developer Bootcamp. I am struggling with this stuff still and think I will for some time to come. Bit flat at the moment with this slow down in progress
Day 20: 07.08.2018
Progress: Did some more work on Advanced Developer Bootcamp on Udemy
Another long day and late start in the evening. Decided to keep going on the Udemy course and implemented a setInterval function that counts down to 0 in the console and then logs Ring Ring Ring!!! when it hit’s zero seconds
Day 21: 08.08.2018
Progress: Did some more work on Advanced Developer Bootcamp on Udemy
Finished the async section of the course and moved onto the AJAX section. Mostly just basic exercises and I think some more meaty projects are not too far away. Still struggle with these callback functions but i’m hopeful with practice it will become second nature.
Day 22: 09.08.2018
Progress: Did some more work on Advanced Developer Bootcamp on Udemy
Continued with the Ajax section of the course and did a brief little simple exercise in codepen to update a bitcoin rate using an API on button click without requiring the page to be refreshed. It was a relatively simple exercise and I kept it very bare bones where it wasn’t handling errors. I’ve missed working with Javascript with C and CS50 taking up a lot of my time in recent months.
Day 23: 10.08.2018
Progress: Did some more work on Advanced Developer Bootcamp on Udemy
Continued with AJAX functionality and got started on the part 2 AJAX section which introduced JQuery involvement and Axios
Day 24: 11.08.2018
Progress: Attended a FCC meetup and completed pset4 Finally!
A good day finally being able to spend a decent portion of time on my coding. Hosted a 4 hour FCC monthly meetup which was great to see mostly new faces joining us but I did not get much coding in like usual. Then I mustered up the courage to finally give pset4 a solid crack to get it compeleted. After much frustration I got it to work. The solution seems so simple after the fact!
Day 25: 12.08.2018
Progress: Started the final C pset5 - Hard Mode
This final C pset looks rather difficult but based on my readings since I started programming I think it is very important I slow down take my time with this one regardless of how much I am itching to move away from C. I plan on first building linked lists, hash tables and tries in a very simple form outside of the pset to get an understanding of how it works then try implement each into the solving the problem.
Day 26: 13.08.2018
Progress: Continued with the final C pset5 - Hard Mode
spent time messing around with different files in Cloud 9 to properly understand pointers. Have been reviewing the short vids again for the third or fourth time. I’m going to understand this and get this pset finished this week!
Day 27: 14.08.2018
Progress: Continued with the final C pset5 - Hard Mode
Working through the lecture and src5 code examples specifically focusing only on linked lists for tonight. I don’t really have a full understanding on the syntax and implementation process yet but I understand what we are trying to do. I need to build my own linked list!
Day 28: 15.08.2018
Progress: Continued with the final C pset5 - Hard Mode
Finished working through all the Src5 examples in detail as well as thoroughly rewatched the weekly lecture. Started Progressing through all the weekly shorts again building a few practice exercises to continue building up my foundational knowledge of structures, C syntax to prep me for doing this pset5 correctly.
Day 29: 16.08.2018
Progress: Continued with the final C pset5 - Hard Mode
Spent the night implementing my own singly linked list data structure will full CRUD functionality. Don’t think i’ll have time to finish it all off the way I want it to be tonight but will make sure it is done tomorrow. It has been an enjoyable night where I’m implementing things and it is working yipee! Nights like this are very rewarding.
Day 30: 17.08.2018
Progress: The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry
My big plan to keep the good momentum going from last night never eventuated. Finished work almost fell asleep then down to the gym for 1.5hours for my sons kickboxing then meal prep as I have nothing ready for tomorrow and now its currently 10:48pm as I write this and I have planned to go for a 6:30am surf! Will cram in an hour, do what I can and smash it on the weekend.
Day 31: 18.08.2018
Progress: Some progress on my data structure adventures
Spent most of the day trying to figure out bugs and memory leaks. In hindsight I should have posted my question to stack sooner as it was answered within a matter of minutes in perfectly understandable english for a simpleton like me! I’ll just take it as a learner experience and keep on moving with my program!
Day 32: 19.08.2018
Progress: Finished my SLL Project
Hopefully I have met Ranjit’s criteria for my little linked list exercise. I have definetely learned a lot doing this one even if it consumed the best part of my entire weekend. On to hash tables and tries next!
Day 33: 20.08.2018
Progress: Delved into the world of hash functions
Now moving onto hash tables I spent most of the night looking for a suitable hash function as the pset allowed it provided I cite my sources. So far I have been trying to pull apart the djb2 hash function. bitwise operators and some cryptic syntax made understanding a little tricky but I think I am starting to under stand how it works in theory but the math is a little beyond me haha.
Day 34: 21.08.2018
Progress: Sidetracked tonight!
Spent most of the night chatting to my CS50 study partner and reviewing Coursera, Edx and Udacity to see what micromasters, masters and other certificates they offer that may be useful to enrol in going forwards. I think for the time being FCC, the OSSU Curriculum, Udemy and fast.ai is going to keep my plenty busy for the next couple of years but some of these courses look interesting specifically the AI for trading on Udacity!
Day 35: 22.08.2018
Progress: Back onto hashtables and pset5
Nothing too fancy tonight. Trying to convert my SLL projects into a hash table implementation. Once this is finished i’ll get onto doing pset5. I wanted to also do tries but I really need to keep moving with this unit!
Day 36: 23.08.2018
Progress: Hitting my head against a brick wall tonight
Not having much luck with this hashtable structure tonight. I do understand what we are doing at a fundamental level and can write the pseudo but I am struggling with the syntax and pointers like usual!
Day 37: 24.08.2018
Progress: Still Bashing my head against the wall
made almost no progress on this hashtable tonight, really feel like giving up ugh…
Day 38: 25.08.2018
Progress: Had a bit of a breakthrough
So I finally had a breakthrough with my hashtable today and figured out how each bucket in the area could act as the head of a singly linked list. Hoping to have the insert function finished before I go to bed tonight!
Day 39: 26.08.2018
Progress: Hashtable Success!
After my breakthrough yesterday the floodgates opened and the rest of the program was relatively straight forward. I had a real “ah-hah” moment when I realised the cause of my seg fault errors, one that will hopefully be a lasting lesson to take forward with me. All program files were uploaded to my github repo linked below.
Day 40: 27.08.2018
Progress: Back onto pset5! This week I will destroy it!
Got back onto pset5 tonight. Mostly reading the speller.c file. Also listed to a freecodecamp podcast. I will destroy this pset this week, I am full of confidence now I have successfully completed my other programs.
Day 41: 28.08.2018
Progress: Very late start so just watched the Week 7 Lecture
Put pset5 aside tonight as I started late and was quite tired. Decided to watch the week 7 lecture instead but struggling to keep the eyes open. No training tomorrow so plenty of time to make up lost ground for the week then!
Day 42: 29.08.2018
Progress: Finished watching the week 7 lecture
Well my meal prep and new nutrition plan totally took front and center tonight so barelly squeezed in 30 mins finishing off the week 7 lecture. I’m a little behind my hour a day this week but i’ll catch it up on the weekend.
Day 43: 30.08.2018
Progress: Finished all the text questions in pset5
Made some progress by getting all the questions completed for pset5. Just the code left to write. This weekend is going to be the winner (yes I know I have said that for about the past 4 now haha).
Day 44: 31.08.2018
Progress: Making good progress on pset5, hopefully finish it tonight!
Written 2 of the 4 functions in pset5, if I don’t finish tonight I will definetely have this one cracked tomorrow!
Day 45: 01.09.2018
Progress: Completed PSET5!
Very happy to write that today I finished and submitted pset5! This marks the end of the my journey with C for the time being and onto python, JS and all the rest to finish off the final psets of the course. It has been difficult but rewarding doing the first 6 psets and its a good achievement to get the motivation juices flowing once again.
Day 46: 02.09.2018
Progress: Completed most of Sentiiments in PSET6 and started an MIT python course
Did most of the ports of previous C programs over to python which turned out trickier then expected. I really struggled to read the python documentation, it was definately not newbie friendly in my opinion. Bart and I decided to do a quick (2 month or less) detour into the MIT intro to comp science with python course to brush up on python skills before moving forward.
Day 47: 03.09.2018
Progress: Completed the psets from week 1 of the MIT 6.00x Course
Needed to check stack over flow for a couple of syntax issues I was having in my program solutions but overall I managed to get the three psets questions from week 1 done without too much hassle. I think my solution to the third question was a bit WET and sloppy but i passed the checks so I am going to move on. Started readin the course text book tonight to further my understanding whilst I wait for the next week of content to be released.
Day 48: 04.09.2018
Progress: Completed credit.py for pset6 in cs50
Since I had some spare time still before week 2 MIT coursework is released I kept going with pset6 for cs50. I only need to submit one more ported file in python and i’m done with sentimentals and then onto similarities to build a small dynamic web page.
Day 49: 05.09.2018
Progress: Got started on Similarities for pset6 in CS50
Well there has been a lot thrown at me at once with similarities. Lots of new syntax and flask and methods….I think I have formed some basis of understanding though to push on and start working through implementing the lines function first. The HTML side of things I am not too worried about so once I have tested lines I think the other two functions should be managable.
Day 50: 06.09.2018
Progress: Finished the bisection search problem in week 2 of 6.00X MIT Course
The problem was relatively easy tonight but i’d be a bit lost without my debugger at hand! Can hopefully get all of week 2 knocked out pretty early into the weekend so I can try and finish off similarities as well for cs50.
Day 51: 07.09.2018
Progress: Read the first four chapters of the text book for 6.00X Course
Not sure what to expect from the mid term exam so I thought I’d spend the night revising the text book to see if there was anything more to be gained additional to the videos and exercises. To be honest I’m not sure how much value I gained from doing it. Planning to get a fair bit of coding in this weekend so watch this space!
Day 52: 08.09.2018
Progress: Finished the rest of the lectures and exercises for week 2 6.00x
Not too much thrown at me that was difficult today. I definately still struggle with implementing recursive algorithms so I think I need to focus my efforts that to understand when to use them and how to think about writing the code to implement the solution.
Day 53: 09.09.2018
Progress: Starting working on the week2 psets for 6.00x but not finished yet
Nothing of interest to really explain in the detail. Hoping to have the psets finished tonight but wanting to play videogames haha.
Day 54: 10.09.2018
Progress: Got a headstart on week3 reading for 6.00x
Chapter 5 was all about tuples, dicts and lists. A couple of these data structures were familiar to me already but I’m looking forward to the exercises and psets for week 3 so I can get a bit of practice in too.
Day 55: 11.09.2018
Progress: Had some fun setting up an automated stock update email script using python and gmail
Following a great little instructional article I found on Medium tonight to set up an automated email that shows all the stocks I am tracking using the IEX API. This is really aligned with my long term goal of setting up my own finance site so i’m really excited to learn some basic skills settting this up.
Day 56: 12.09.2018
Progress: Completed the first function on similarities and started week 3 6.00x
I did the work but forgot to push and post to twitter dammit! A white mark in my dam github commits graph. Finished the first function of similarities for cs50 and should be able to get that pset finished this week. Relatively comfortable I should be able to finish all of week 4 in MIT 6.00x over the next two days.
Day 57: 13.09.2018
Progress: Completed the half of week 3 exercises for 6.00x
Almost forgot to update and post again! Managed to get a fair bit completed tonight for week 3 and helped another student in my discord trouble shoot his pset from last week. Hoping to get week3 done by saturday lastest and pset6 for cs50 on Saturday.
Day 58: 14.09.2018
Progress: Finished the week 3 exercises in 6.00x and got started on the psets
The remainder of the weekly exercises were relatively straight forward. The lectures and exercises did not got into a great deal of depth on dictionaries with the difficulty level being pretty easy on the exercises. I’ve got a start on the psets which look pretty fun but i’ll probably have to finish them in the morning.
Day 59: 15.09.2018
Progress: On Fire!
Finished week 3 psets in MIT last night before going to bed and then finished the pset6 similarities today! Really happy smashing my goals before the end of the weekend and also managing to fit the hosting of our monthly freecodecamp meetup today for 4 hours. Always good to catch up with the small group and chat all things code!
Day 60: 16.09.2018
Progress: Watched lectures/shorts and started pset7 in cs50
Mostly spent my time today watching the lecture and shorts relating to pset7 and reviewed the pset source code and live working copy to get a feel for the scope of the project. There are a lot of optional functionalities we can implement if we choose on this pset which I think I am going to try and do all listed. A good little project to get stuck into next week whilst I’ve got a week off MIT.
Day 61: 17.09.2018
Progress: Got in front on my reading for 6.00x
Since the midterm and next load of materials aren’t released until next week I got a head start on the reading. I read chapters 6 & 7, testing, debugging and exceptions. I am yet to utilise exceptions in my code that often to print error reports although I did a little when I built the Yelpcamp project. Testing is also something pretty new which I would like to get better at as I start to build more complex programs/applications.
Day 62: 18.09.2018
Progress: Continued with my reading for 6.00x
Will return to pset7 for the remainder of the week tomorrow. As the next chapter 8 related to Classes and OOP in Python I wanted to have a read through it a little as I have touched very little on OOP to date and the times when I did I found it rather confusing.
Day 63: 19.09.2018
Progress: Got back onto pset7 for CS50
Spent a couple of hours tonight getting to understand more about Flask and Jinja and how they are working in the start code in app.py and helpers.py in pset7. I have a general understanding of what it is doing at this stage so tomorrow I’m hoping to have the register part of the problem complete.
Day 64: 20.09.2018
Progress: Almost finished my register implementation for pset7
I managed to get all the username and password validations working OK I think and store a hashed password. Now all that is need to finish it is store the hashed password and username into the database, store the userid in the session id and get it to redirect to the home page. Tomorrow night i’m confident this shouldn’t be too hard to finish off and move onto the quote section.
Day 65: 21.09.2018
Progress: Hit a stumbling block tonight on this register implementation
Really struggling with the syntax of this execute() statement so I can check if the username exists in the database. Will not go to bed until it’s fixed!
Day 66: 22.09.2018
Progress: Finished the register implementation on pset7, thank fuck!
So I caused trouble myself by wanting to use the fetchone() method as this wasn’t part of the cs50 sql library. So this led to me having to change the login route logic as well and then I also wanted to use row_factory so I could access so the tuples as if they were dicts and make my code more semantic. I got there eventually so mission succes.
Day 67: 23.09.2018
Progress: Check50 for Register, Quote routes and Roblox Scripting!
Even though my reworked register and login routes were functioning correctly it was still not passing some of the check50 tests. After updating my code it passed the tests and I also updated the basic logic and html template for the quote page. Had a bit of a diversion when my 10 year old approached me with a scripting problem he was having in Roblox trying to create a punch animation. After a bit of trial and error and fixing numerous syntactic errors the little character was throwing a solid punch!
Day 68: 24.09.2018
Progress: Finished /quote, /buy and most of /index in pset7 cs50
Spent a whole lot of time today try to finish this pset but unfortunately I couldn’t quite reach the finish line. Stuck now on rendering the consolidated portfolio using live pricing but i’m sure i’ll get it eventually. Goal for next week is to get it finished but i’m worried work may get in the way.
Day 69: 25.09.2018
Progress: Progressed on /sell cs50 pset7
Did not get much time tonight but as I had hoped I believe the hard work is behind me on this question now. Most of the logic on /sell I was able to implement relatively easily. I have implemented the dynamically generated drop down list and set up the redirect and flash. Tomorrow I’ll finish the validation logic as well as db sale transaction update and cash balance update.
Day 70: 26.09.2018
Progress: Finished and submitted pset7!
As expected after a couple of hours tonight I had pset7 all completed. I just added a quick password change functionality to meet the ‘personal touch’ criteria. I shared it with the world but so far not a single hit! haha oh well I’m still really happy with myself for getting it finished.
Day 71: 27.09.2018
Progress: Finished most of week4 exercises for 6.00x
Got cracking on 6.00x short vids and exercises. This week focuses on debugging, exceptions and assertions. I think I need to start using try/except more often in my code and I am finding it all pretty easy to understand. I’m hopeful that by Saturday I should have the week’s pset complete and hopefully the mid term as well so I can get back onto pset8 in cs50.
Day 72: 28.09.2018
Progress: Watched the second last cs50 lecture in prep for the pset8
Felt like a bit of a break from coding tonight so just watched the lecture leading up to pset8 for #cs50. Expecting a pretty busy weekend ahead of me of both work and coding related problems. Plan to at least have the pset4 questions and mid term complete for MIT 6.00x so I can focus on pset8 for cs50 next week.
Day 73: 29.09.2018
Progress: Got a little preoccupied by finals fever but nearly completed week 4 psets
As I write this I am completing the 5th of 7 psets for week 4. Planning to watch a movie with the mrs. but I am confident I have a good chance of finishing them all tonight. Tomorrow I have to finish the the mid term and get back to finishing my finish model for work.
Day 74: 30.09.2018
Progress: Compeleted the psets and the midterm!
Ended up finishing off all the psets last night as I had planned without too much trouble. I quite like the psets in this course although they are probably a bit on the easy side compared to cs50. The midterm took a bit over 2 hours and could have been more difficult with only the recursive questions causing the usual headache. Managed to score 96% so one month left now until this course is done. Going to try and get a few days on pset 8 in cs50 before I have to get back onto the next weeks psets in 6.00x
Day 75: 01.10.2018
Progress: Got started on cs50 pset8
Spent most of the night reading up on the Google Maps API and playing around with the different methods and functionality it covers in the documentation. I’ll probably continue to familiarise myself with it over the coming nights. Don’t see this pset being completed for at least a few weeks.
Day 76: 02.10.2018
Progress: Get playing around with the Google Maps API
Only had the bare minimum time tonight due to work commitments so I continued working through the tutorial examples for the Google Maps API. Some of it is going a bit over my head but I can get a general feel for what we are doing in the different parts of the code.
Day 78: 03.10.2018
Progress: Sooooo tired and my eyes hurt!
Spent a couple of hours finishing up my reading of the various documentations required to complete pset8 for cs50. Then I went on to read up on all of the template files provided for the question. Sooooo much reading for this question! I’ll start on setting up the db first and i’m just hoping it’s another one of those problems where they overwhelm you with noise but it really ends up being a handful of connections that need to be set up. Week 5 psets for MIT out tonight so I think i’ll work on that for the next couple of nights.
Day 79: 04.10.2018
Progress: Got a good start on week 5 6.00x MIT OOP
Well I have to say giving OOP another crack is fundamentally making a lot more sense. In the past I had no clue what the hell a method was but over the past months using native methods all the time it is now pretty clear what we are doing here. Just creating our own custom types with our own custom attributes and functions attached to it. With some practice I’m sure this will become easier but right now the syntax is pretty tricky.
Day 80: 05.10.2018
Progress: Only the bare minimum done today, flying out to Cairns!
All I can manage time for today is reading on the plane to Cairns. About to board so will just continue with a Javascript book I started on my last holiday. Have a free day tomorrow so will catch up and hopefully get all the week 5 work completed.
Day 81: 06.10.2018
Progress: Almost onto the second half of the week 5 MIT exercises
This week is taking longer then I expected. OOP is a little bit tricky but I’m confident i’ll figure it out pretty quickly as I feel like I understand what I am doing once I play around with it and learn the new syntax. Have a better day tomorrow, today was a nightmare with travel so hoping to get most of not all of the week’s work done.
Day 82: 07.10.2018
Progress: Only a few exercises left for week 5 6.00x
Most of the time today spent watching the videos and finishing a few basic exercises. OOP is trickier then I imagined especially after 6 pints and watching the UFC for several hours. Aiming to be onto the psets tomorrow, for now though i’m off on a boat cruise.
Days of FAIL: 08.10.2018 - 11.10.18
Progress: Well my streak is broken
The work conference festivities got the best of me and I didn’t get around to getting my hour in. Another hole in my github graph but not to worry i’ll just keep going on my return.
Day 83: 12.10.18
Progress: Back to coding!
Well I came back fatter and with a lot of work on my plate so not in the best mind for coding. Went on to finish the week5 exercises tonight but I am not happy with the way I completed them having to reference the answers in most occasions. Generators are new and confusing and I struggled in this area. Have to work tomorrow but i’m hoping to have week5 and week6 close to completion by the end of the week.
Day of FAIL: 13.10.18
Progress: Started and then fell asleep!
I guess the drive to do this consistently is currently low since the big streak was broken. I started revising generators again as I wasn’t happy where I left off then went to do my daily meditation and fell asleep!
Day 84: 14.10.18
Progress: Smashed it!
Spent basically the entire day today catching up on 6.00x MIT course. Submitted all psets for week5 and Week6 which now leaves only the midterm left to finish off to get my certificate! Really happy with my effort today which definately makes up for the missed days earlier in the week.
Day 85: 15.10.18
Progress: Played around on freecodecamp for a change
Didn’t have much time tonight so thought i’d have a try at knocking out some questions on freecodecamp. Unfortunately i’m at functional programming and i’m just having a really hard time wrapping my head around these dam javascript methods. Hoping one of the guys at this weekend’s meetup can go through a few with me as I think that will really help.
Day 86: 16.10.18
Progress: Finished setting up the Open Collective Page for my FCC Group
Less coding and more administration tonight! Finished setting up the Open Collective Page for our group in the hopes of obtaining some assitance in securing facilities for our group and getting some exposure for the members to real worlds projects and job opportunities.
Day 87: 17.10.18
Progress: Got up to section 4/17 on the quick ES6 Udemy Course
Trying to quickly knock out this Udemy course on ES6 features this week as i’m frustrated these higher order array functions in javascript aren’t registering for me. I think it’s a combination of arrow syntax and callback functions adding double layers of complexity for me. So far the questions have be manageable and i’m feeling a bit more comfortable with it.
Day 88: 18.10.18
Progress: Got up to section 10/17 on the quick ES6 Udemy Course
Did ok with the exercises tonight but there was one or two I had to look at the solution when I had to write a find() inside a reduce(). Should hopefully have this all finished tomorrow night and back onto finish off the MIT coursework in time for the final exam next week.
Day 89: 19.10.18
Progress: Got up to section 16/17 on the quick ES6 Udemy Course
Did very average tonight. Really struggled with destructuring and OOP in this course and had to look at the solutions. Like everything I just need to get practice and bed down my understanding of the syntax. Not going to stress over it for the time being as I’ve already got out of this course what I came here for.
Day 90: 20.10.18
Progress: Finished the ES6 Course and got on with 6.00x reading
Finished the course but I wasn’t that pleased with how it finished. I also finished all the reading, video and exercises for 6.00x so just the final exam left to do now next weekend. Ended up doing an unplanned enrollment into 6.00x. part 2 though today which takes me to the end of the text book. I guess I’m going to be busy with that now until mid December.
Day 91: 21.10.18
Progress: Continued reading for 6.00x and started on 6.00x2
Continued my reading with the MIT book to try and get up to the start of the second part of the course. I still have a few pages to read as I tried to the first week of coursework finished for 6.00x2. The exercises in this second part are quite difficult so far and require a fair bit more mathematical thinking, but it is a good challenge.
Day 92: 22.10.18
Progress: Finished all the weekly exercises for Week 1 of 6.00x.2
Should hopefully be able to finish off the week 1 psets for 6.00x.2 tomorrow night after finishing all the exercises tonight. Still trying to finish off the reading for 6.00x at the moment. 30-50 pages just to get up to date with week 1 materal included!
Day 93: 23.10.18
Progress: Nearly caught up on all reading for 6.002x
Almost caught up on all reading for 6.002x and finished all reading for 6.00x. Also spent a couple of hours messing around with matplotlib and getting it working how I would like in VS Code. Some of these optimisation blow my mind even when stepping through them in the debugger!
Day 94: 24.10.18
Progress: Finished Q1/3 for pset1 6.002x
having a bit of a hard time with syntax again for some reason. I am still not 100% there when it comes to all the methods and code related to dictionaries. I keep bumping into deeper layers and syntax of python every day which adds to the confusion but i’m getting there slowly.
Day 95: 25.10.18
Progress: Finished all week 1 psets for 6.00x2
The brute force algo was pretty tricky and again took a fair bit of debugging until I managed to pass all submission tests but I got there in a couple of hours and now have a bit of a break before the next weeks material is released in just under a weeks time. The final exam for 6.00x gets released Saturday so looks like that will be my task for the weekend. Around that i’ll probably try and give pset8 for cs50 a good crack.
Day 96: 26.10.18
Progress: Back onto pset8 for cs50
Refamilarised myself with the massive wall of text that is the pset8 tl;dr then setup the schema for my database in sqlite3. Decided to try and give this project a bit of my own feel so I discarded the US data and got my own aussie data so my mashup will be on my home town. The pset is pretty overwhelming but i’m hoping if I just take it one TODO at a time it should be manageable.
Day 97: 27.10.18
Progress: Completed the final exam for MIT 6.00x
Well I have to say this was a fair amount harder then the midterm but I got it finished in just over 4 hours!! The multi choice was easy but some of the functions we had to complete we pretty difficult. I’m not sure if actual MIT students are allowed to refer to stack overflow in their exam but I would have been pretty screwed without it!
Day 98: 28.10.18
Progress: FCC Functional Programming Reboot
had a long day doing tax returns and just couldn’t be bothered getting onto pset8. Went back to FCC and resetarted the functional programming section to see if I had improved at all. So far I can see some improvement but I find after being on python for a while the JS syntax gets somewhat forgotten in place of the other.
Day 99: 29.10.18
Progress: Intermediate Algos on FCC
Not doing too well on the intermediate algos on FCC tonight. I know in my head what needs to be done I just don’t know the methods and syntax well enough to execute properly which is pretty annoying. Just have to keep practicing!
Day 100: 30.10.18
Progress: Intermediate Algos on FCC continued…
had a better day today knocking out quite a few of the intermediate algo’s without too much hassle. Stuck at the moment on the smallest common divisor problem as I have to learn about conceptual maths and it hurts my brain at 11pm at night. Going to come back to it tomorrow! Another 100 days complete!